Reclaimed church window |
Passive solar design - large conservatory with French doors to allow heat transfer to other living areas. |
A layer of building wrap is added over the cob-covered straw bales and then geogrid (plastic mesh) over that. The lime render will bind to the geogrid when applied. |
Cob ready for the straw walls. |
Internal walls are combination of curved & straight gib board along with the straw bales. |
The exterior walls are covered with tarpaulin to protect the lime render while it sets. The foreground shows the basecoat. |
The secondhand billboard tarpaulins provide some welcomed colour. |
Gale force winds whipped off the tarpaulin and blew it onto the freshly applied lime render. The day was spent re-trowelling and sponging the plaster to make it smooth again. |
Ceder shingles are added to the gables. |
Mixing the mud with a digger saves alot of effort. |
Gib board applied to non-strawbale walls and ceiling. Recycled glass bottles used for the non-straw insulation . |
"Clay slip" applied with a spray gun directly to the straw first to help the mud mixture stick. Made from watered down mud. |
Old carpet is applied around doors and window frames to help create curves and shape the straw. |